Celestron Ultima 6.5×32 porro verrekijker
Application: Boswandeling, Vogelspotten, Watersport, Safari, Evenementen, KinderenMagnification (x): 6.5Lens diameter (mm): 32Ready to ship in 24h -
Celestron Ultima 8×32 porro verrekijker
Application: Boswandeling, Vogelspotten, Watersport, Safari, Evenementen, KinderenMagnification (x): 8Lens diameter (mm): 32Ready to ship in 24h -
Celestron Ultima 8×42 porro verrekijker
Application: Boswandeling, Vogelspotten, Watersport, Safari, Evenementen, KinderenMagnification (x): 8Lens diameter (mm): 42Ready to ship in 24h -
Celestron Ultima Edge 10mm oculair
€ 119,00Ready to ship in 24h -
Celestron Ultima Edge 15mm oculair
€ 149,00Ready to ship in 24h -
Celestron Ultima Edge 18mm oculair
€ 155,00Ready to ship in 24h -
Celestron Ultima Edge 24mm oculair
€ 259,00Ready to ship in 24h -
Celestron Ultima Edge 30mm oculair
€ 299,00Ready to ship in 24h -
Celestron zoom eyepiece 8-24 mm 1.25 inch
€ 149,00Ready to ship in 24h -
Daystar Quark Chromosphere Refractor f/4-f/9
€ 1.575,00Ready to ship in 24h -
Daystar Quark SCT Combo Chromosphere Filter
€ 1.575,00Ready to ship in 24h -
DWARF II smart telescoop deluxe uitvoering
Aperture (mm): 24Focal length (mm): 100Speed (f): 4.17Ask us for the delivery time -
Dwarf III Smart Telescoop
Aperture (mm): 35Focal length (mm): 150Speed (f): 4.3Ask us for the delivery time -
Eclipse glasses for sun observation
€ 3,50Ready to ship in 24h -
Euromex bScope BS.1153-PLE biologische microscoop
Application: BiologieType: Biologische microscopenEyepiece magnification (x): 10Ask us for the delivery time -
Euromex dekglaasjes 18 x 18 mm, 100 stuks
€ 4,60Ready to ship in 24h -
Euromex MicroBlue binoculair MB.1052
Application: BiologieType: Beginners microscopenEyepiece magnification (x): 10Ask us for the delivery time -
Euromex MicroBlue LCD 5.0 MP camera
Application: BiologieType: Biologische microscopenIllumination: LedAsk us for the delivery time -
Euromex MicroBlue monoculair MB.1001
Application: BiologieType: Beginners microscopenEyepiece magnification (x): 10Ask us for the delivery time -
Euromex MicroBlue monoculair MB.1051
Application: BiologieType: Beginners microscopenEyepiece magnification (x): 10Ask us for the delivery time -
Euromex Microscoop objectglaasjes 76 x 26 mm, gesneden, 50 stuks per doosje
€ 3,90Ready to ship in 24h -
Explore Scientific AR 14mm 100 graden
€ 459,00Ask us for the delivery time -
Explore Scientific AR 20mm 100 graden
€ 649,00Ready to ship in 24h -
Explore Scientific AR 25mm 100 graden
€ 899,00Ready to ship in 24h