Maksutov-Cassegrains telescopes
Under this category you will find all telescopes that fall under the Maksutov-Cassegrain type. But then complete systems. So with tripod, mount, diagonal, telescope tube, eyepiece and viewfinder. For loose telescope tubes you choose “loose tubes with optics”.
Maksutov-Cassegrain’s telescopes excel in their sharpness on the moon and planets. These telescopes are fairly compact and have a long focal length.
Celestron C700 Maksutov OTA telescoop
Aperture (mm): 180Focal length (mm): 2700Speed (f): 15Ready to ship in 24h -
Celestron NexStar 102SLT Maksutov
Aperture (mm): 102Focal length (mm): 1325Speed (f): 12Ready to ship in 24h -
Celestron AstroMaster 127EQ Maksutov
Aperture (mm): 127Focal length (mm): 1500Speed (f): 12Ask us for the delivery time -
Celestron AstroMaster 90EQ Maksutov
Aperture (mm): 90Focal length (mm): 1250Speed (f): 14Ready to ship in 24h -
Celestron Advanced VX 700 Maksutov
Aperture (mm): 180Focal length (mm): 2700Speed (f): 15Ready to ship in 24h -
Celestron Astro Fi 102 Maksutov telescoop
Aperture (mm): 102Focal length (mm): 1325Speed (f): 13Ask us for the delivery time -
Celestron Astro Fi 127 Maksutov-Cassegrain telescoop
Aperture (mm): 127Focal length (mm): 1500Speed (f): 12Ready to ship in 24h -
Celestron NexStar 90SLT
Aperture (mm): 90Focal length (mm): 1250Speed (f): 14Ask us for the delivery time -
Celestron NexStar 127SLT
Aperture (mm): 127Focal length (mm): 1500Speed (f): 12Ready to ship in 24h -
Celestron NexStar 4SE
Aperture (mm): 102Focal length (mm): 1325Speed (f): 13Ready to ship in 24h