Catadioptric telescopes
Celestron C700 Maksutov OTA telescoop
Aperture (mm): 180Focal length (mm): 2700Speed (f): 15Ready to ship in 24h -
Celestron NexStar 102SLT Maksutov
Aperture (mm): 102Focal length (mm): 1325Speed (f): 12Ready to ship in 24h -
Celestron NexStar Evolution 8HD limited edition
Aperture (mm): 203.2Focal length (mm): 2032Speed (f): 10Ask us for the delivery time -
Celestron StarSense Explorer DX 5 inch telescoop
Aperture (mm): 125Focal length (mm): 1250Speed (f): 10Ready to ship in 24h -
Celestron StarSense Explorer DX 6 inch telescoop
Aperture (mm): 150Focal length (mm): 1500Speed (f): 10Ready to ship in 24h -
gratis Uniguide blauw
William Optics Pleiades 68 OTA telescoop
Aperture (mm): 68Focal length (mm): 260Speed (f): 3.8Ready to ship in 24h -
Celestron AstroMaster 127EQ Maksutov
Aperture (mm): 127Focal length (mm): 1500Speed (f): 12Ready to ship in 24h -
Celestron AstroMaster 90EQ Maksutov
Aperture (mm): 90Focal length (mm): 1250Speed (f): 14Ready to ship in 24h -
Celestron 8 inch Rowe Ackermann Schmidt Astrograph F2
Aperture (mm): 203Focal length (mm): 400Speed (f): 2Ready to ship in 24h -
Celestron Advanced VX 700 Maksutov
Aperture (mm): 180Focal length (mm): 2700Speed (f): 15Ready to ship in 24h -
Celestron Advanced VX 6 inch SCT
Aperture (mm): 150Focal length (mm): 1500Speed (f): 10Ask us for the delivery time -
Celestron Advanced VX 8 inch SCT
Aperture (mm): 203.2Focal length (mm): 2032Speed (f): 10Ready to ship in 24h -
Celestron Advanced VX 8 inch Edge HD
Aperture (mm): 203.2Focal length (mm): 2032Speed (f): 10Ready to ship in 24h -
Celestron Advanced VX RASA8
Aperture (mm): 203Focal length (mm): 400Speed (f): 2Ask us for the delivery time -
Celestron Advanced VX 9.25 inch
Aperture (mm): 235Focal length (mm): 2350Speed (f): 10Ready to ship in 24h -
Celestron Advanced VX 9.25 inch Edge HD
Aperture (mm): 235Focal length (mm): 2350Speed (f): 10Ready to ship in 24h -
Celestron Advanced VX 11 inch SCT
Aperture (mm): 280Focal length (mm): 2800Speed (f): 10Ready to ship in 24h -
Celestron Astro Fi 102 Maksutov telescoop
Aperture (mm): 102Focal length (mm): 1325Speed (f): 13Ask us for the delivery time -
Celestron Astro Fi 127 Maksutov-Cassegrain telescoop
Aperture (mm): 127Focal length (mm): 1500Speed (f): 12Ready to ship in 24h -
Celestron Astro Fi 5 Schmidt-Cassegrain telescoop
Aperture (mm): 125Focal length (mm): 1250Speed (f): 10Ready to ship in 24h -
Celestron Astro Fi 6 Schmidt-Cassegrain telescoop
Aperture (mm): 150Focal length (mm): 1500Speed (f): 10Ask us for the delivery time -
Celestron C11-XLT OTA telescoop buis
Aperture (mm): 279.4Focal length (mm): 2800Speed (f): 10Ready to ship in 24h -
Celestron C14-A XLT (CGE) OTA telescoop buis
Aperture (mm): 355.5Focal length (mm): 3910Speed (f): 11Ask us for the delivery time -
Celestron C6-XLT OTA telescoop buis
Aperture (mm): 150Focal length (mm): 1500Speed (f): 10Ready to ship in 24h